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Eviction Blocked on Lojewska St.

Opublikowane 08/07/12 o godz.18:37 w kategorii English.
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lojeskaMembers of KOL blocked the eviction of a 70 year old woman from her flat on Lowejska St. The woman, who has been ill for many years, lives with her son, also ill, who receives 388,84 zloties a month (about 95 euros) as an invalid. Although these people cannot possibly find any work and would not be able to pay for even a small room if they rented from a private owner, the city wanted to evict them, as we say “on installments”. Because before, these people would have been protected from eviction, given help and social housing. Now they would be evicted for 3 months to the shelter on Przeworska St.. And after that, they’d be out on the street.

Thanks to direct action, the eviction was blocked.

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